Fresh flowers and bouquet delivery in Montenegro

Delivery of fresh flowers throughout Montenegro.

We create original bouquets and compositions for individual orders.
We provide services for floristic decor of weddings and events.

Florist Studio Lilies in Budva

The floristry studio “Lilies” has been operating for more than 10 years!
We are always waiting for you in the flower shop “Lilies” in Budva, where you will always find fresh flowers! Florists studios have extensive experience in decorating weddings and events of the highest status; provide services for the delivery of flowers for hotels and restaurants.


Fresh flowers delivery in Montenegro

Rose and Caranfil

The bouquet is composed of roses, caranfil, Hypericum, ornithogalum and Baby Blue eucalyptus.


Cream roses and camilla

This small bouquet is made of cream roses, camilla, lisianthus, white veronica and eucalyptus Baby Blue .


Flowers delivery in Montenegro Budva
Pink Roses flower bouqet delivery in Montenegro

Pink rose and caranfil

This bouquet consists of pink roses, veronica, pink caranfil, alstroemeria, boardie and ammy.


Tatiana is the best florist in Budva Montenegro

I am Tatyana Smirnova, the founder of the floristic studio “Lilies”

I work with many hotels and restaurants on the Riviera of Budva, and with international event and wedding agencies. Experienced and passionate florists work in my studio. I guarantee the quality and high level of creativity for your bouquets and arrangements for any occasion and for events of the highest level!

Follow us on Instagram

On Instagram we publish the whole process of creating author’s bouquets and compositions, ready-made bouquets and happy faces of our customers. Here you can order a bouquet.

flowers delivery budva

Why Choose Us

Every day we do everything to make our
customers’ lives better and happier!

Always fresh flowers

Our bouquets will delight you with their freshness for a long time. Delivery of fresh flowers is available during all day.

Fast shipping

We deliver our bouquets, compositions, wine and gifts to any point of the coast of Montenegro for a maximum of 1 hour.

Talented florists

Each of our florists has many years of professional experience and good taste. We have the best team in Montenegro.

Fresh flowers delivery in Montenegro

Fresh Flowers Delivery in Montenegro

We will deliver your order to the door of the house, office or hotel by courier when ordering from one bouquet.

How to order flowers or bouquet in the Studio “Lilies”?

Order and details

Step 1. You choose your favorite bouquet or arrangement and click on the “Order” button on the website, leaving your phone number, address, date and time of delivery. If you do not like any of the options on the website you fill out the form ” individual bouquet”

Creating your bouquet

Step 2. We start creating your order. On average, the process takes from 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on the complexity of the bouquet or composition and the volume of the order. If necessary, specify the details.

Happy you!

Step 3. A bouquet or arrangement of fresh flowers is delivered to any city of Montenegro by courier, exactly at the appointed time on the date specified by you!

Create your own unique bouquet

If you have not chosen anything from our offer, order your own unique bouquet. To do this, fill out the form and leave your contacts and requests.

After ordering flowers on the site, please confirm the order by message on WhatsApp or Viber phone
+ 382 69 532 710.

Fresh flowers delivery in Montenegro

+382 69 532 710

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